BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN REV:2025-01-15 00:23:10 FN:St Peter the Apostle Parish Fallbrook N:St;Peter;the;Apostle;Parish;Fallbrook TITLE:St Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish ADR;type=WORK:450 South Stage Coach Lane;;;Fallbrook;CA;92028; EMAIL;type=INTERNET, TEL;type=WORK,voice:+1 760-689-6200 URL;type=WORK: PHOTO;TYPE=JPG;ENCODING=BASE64:PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sIGxhbmc9ImVuIj4KICA8aGVhZD4KICA8L2hlYWQ+CiAg PGJvZHk+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+ GEO:33.376136779785;-117.22750091553 NOTE:Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish serves the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall and Rainbow. We welcome all visitors and those who wish to make this Parish their home. We are committed to growing in faith, serving in love and sharing the hope of new life through Jesus Christ the Lord. END:VCARD