BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN REV:2025-01-30 14:33:34 FN:James Moore N:James;Moore TITLE:Moore & Moore Technology Ltd ADR;type=WORK:22 Upper Ground;;;London;;SE1 9PD; EMAIL;type=INTERNET, TEL;type=WORK,voice:+44 7768 605994 URL;type=WORK: PHOTO;TYPE=JPG;ENCODING=BASE64:PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sIGxhbmc9ImVuIj4KICA8aGVhZD4KICA8L2hlYWQ+CiAg PGJvZHk+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+ GEO:56.46302;-2.957876 NOTE:I've been working in local data and digital products for local merchants since 1997, and very much enjoy the challenge of this rapidly evolving space. \n\nI founded Citipages in the UK as a network of local search websites and we were a leading provider of SME digital marketing from 1997 to about 2004, at which point I launched Central Index as a white label business directory and data service. \n\nWe sold Centralindex in 2010 to the owners of Scoot, to work on combining all of our propositions into the leading SME and Local Data product in the market.\n\nOur core database Central Index includes a white label business directory publishing service powering online and multiplatform business directories and adding value to other directory providers and corporate storefinders. We host over 20 million SMB profiles in multiple countries.\n\nNow part of, we're working to roll out the service internationally, and looking for best of breed channel partners to join us in helping SMBs globally with their digital presence, as well as leading SaaS products to offer to the merchant userbase.\n\nMy focus is on excellence of delivery, communication and social improvement through the power of online technology.\n\nPlease feel free to get in touch to discuss any of the above, and have a great day! END:VCARD